Sale!Become a medical detective! Let Dr. Clifton K. Meador’s Puzzling Symptoms teach you how to find the cause of mysterious maladies that, even after endless tests and doctor visits, have befuddled the experts.
Sale!Med School is a fascinating collection of stories about medical training from over a half century ago, when would-be doctors learned the fundamental lessons of caring for and listening to their patients. One who survived—and thrived—the brutal four-year transformation from an eager, inquisitive student to a young doctor, ready to cure the ills of mankind, relates the stories with compassion, frank honesty, and—best of all—a wonderful sense of humor.
New Book Helps Teens Avoid Death and Prison
Shock waves ricocheted nationwide with the discovery of 13-year-old Nicole Madison Lovell’s body in late January 2016. The young teen had befriended an 18-year-old on Facebook, slipped unnoticed from her home to meet him, and walked into her death trap. Could her death have been prevented? With the release of The Boss of Me…is Me, Cable Publishing, Dr. June Rogers, and her co-Author_s hope to empower teens with the life skills needed to be the bosses of their thinking, attitudes, and actions. The teen notebook addresses a variety of relevant issues including suicide, shoplifting, child molestation, and runaways. Somewhat eerily given the recent news, the accompanying guidebook for discussion leaders notes that one chapter “involves a secret meeting Samantha has planned online with Alan, someone represented to be about her own age. But during the prearranged rendezvous when Samantha actually meets Alan at the movie theatre, she is disturbed not only by him being an adult but also his attempt to convince her to go outside to his van.”The Boss of Me is...Me! has a Companion Guide available here.
View a sample chapter of The Boss of Me is...ME! (pdf) View the corresponding sample chapter of The Companion Guide to The Boss of Me is...ME! (pdf) -
Sale!This remarkable story began in 1967 with a broken car radio and a father-and-son’s cross-country trek. The two had been making uncomfortable small talk until the son asked, “Dad, will you tell me what you did in the war?” The father’s answer is the amazing first-hand account of the USS Fuller, The Lady Gangster, an attack transport ship and its courageous crew of “Chicago Boys” who transformed from wide-eyed new recruits to weathered “Old Salts” braving enemy attacks while delivering troops and supplies during many of the toughest battles waged in the South Pacific during World War II. It is also the poignant tale of how a simple question forged a lasting bond between a father and his son.
Sale!On a beautiful summer morning in 1977, shock waves ripped through the Glensheen mansion with the discovery of the bodies of heiress Elisabeth Congdon and her night nurse, Velma Pietila. Glensheen’s Daughter is the fascinating story of the events leading up to the murders and the nightmarish aftermath. It is also the story of a beloved adopted daughter who let nothing, not even a double homicide, stand in the way of her desires.
Sale!In one of the most defining moments in our nation’s history, President Richard Nixon ascended the steps of Army One, turned, and waved to the crowd on the White House lawn for one last time. Piloting Army One that day was Lt. Col Boyer, a senior pilot during the LBJ, Nixon, and Ford administrations.
Sale!The Beasts of Buchenwald is the story of extreme lifestyles between those favored by Nazi Germany's Third Reich and the men, women, and children whom Hitler classified as undesirables. It is the story of two members of the Nazi party -- the husband and wife rulers of Buchenwald concentration camp -- who ordered the slaughter of untold numbers of helpless inmates while living a royal lifestyle within the barbed confines of hell before they, too, had to pay for their crimes.
Sale!“I was only seventeen years old when the knock on our door came late one night. The French police barged in, arresting me and my father as members of the French Resistance. After months of incarceration in French prisons, two thousand inmates were jammed into twenty rail cars. Our destination was Buchenwald, the most horrific camp in Nazi Germany, where we were viewed by our SS keepers as expendable sub-humans and forced to work as slave laborers. I was beaten and starved. I witnessed brutal tortures and senseless murders. But I survived.” The unforgettable memoirs of Louis Gros is the second volume of The Buchenwald Trilogy.
Sale!How could a sophisticated, civilized nation like Germany sink into an abyss of degradation that had no bottom? How could the SS rulers of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp torture, starve, and murder defenseless prisoners? And how could Nazi doctors use the camp as their personal, ghoulish laboratory?
Sale!A teenage boy leaves Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s, following his Jewish father to America, and returns to his homeland as a U.S. soldier. Bernard Kahn was born in Munich, Germany, to a Jewish father and Christian mother. Persecuted by the “pure Aryans” and his schoolmates, Bernard escaped the Nazi regime and joined his father in America. While in college, he joined the U.S. Army and returned to Europe – and ultimately Munich – surviving two years of intense combat in Italy, France, and Germany as a member of the famed 45th Division, the Thunderbirds, and being among the first liberators of Dachau Concentration Camp.
The Life and Times of Aviation Pioneer Marlon Dewitt Green
As incredible as it may seem today, until the mid-1960s major U.S. airlines refused to hire African-American pilots. It took Marlon DeWitt Green to challenge -and ultimately change- the entrenched system of segregation in the airline industry. -
Sale!Capt. Jepp and the Little Black Book is the amazing rags-to-riches story of the son of Danish immigrants who did more to make flying safer than anyone else on the planet. But it is also the thrilling tale of barnstormers, wing walkers, the earliest days of the giant airline companies, and the charismatic man who lived it all.
Sale!In Cracking the Double Standard Code, June Werdlow Rogers, a retired Special Agent in Charge for the DEA, has brought to light a shadowy code of conduct imposed on women leaders, and it turns out that her undercover work was not limited to bad guys: She was also amassing a wealth of evidence about how women leaders are treated and perceived differently in male-dominated environments such as the DEA. June’s twenty five years of investigating and leading, together with a social scientist’s approach originating from her doctorial pursuit, created the unique combination of skills used to uncover this strict pattern of behavior expected of women leaders. In finding ways to survive and thrive in this relatively hostile atmosphere, her reward for successful navigation was a trek to the top.
Sale!Now Hiring: Criminal Justice Professionals contains essential information for those seeking careers in criminal justice but is filled with helpful tips for everyone entering the job market. A college education is no longer enough. Since selectivity is now the position of all employers, virtually everyone faces some type of background investigation including a Google search. This book provides an insider’s tips on how to get into any exclusive door.
Sale!In the 1800s, great changes came to the Lake Superior region. Water roads had transported fur traders for centuries and Native Americans for millennia. Ceded through treaties, the pristine lands of the Ojibwe surrendered to the logger’s saw and the miner’s pick. Railroads brought eager immigrants who followed their dreams in search of a better life. Echoes From the Past is the story of a region’s transformation from rugged wilderness to one of settlers and settlements.
Sale!Let Pathways lead you back to a time before George Washington’s birth and the Thirteen Colonies struggled for their independence in the Revolutionary War. You will discover the rich early history of the Lake Superior region as Pathways relates the tales of fur traders and their hearty voyageurs, of life in the logging camps, and of Brule, Wisconsin’s earliest settlers and their struggles to survive.
Sale!Dressed only in a nightshirt and unarmed, Sheriff Thomas Logan lay bleeding outside the Jewel, a house of ill-fame. His death in 1906 sent shock waves across Nevada, forcing Hannah and their eight children to face an unfathomable future.
About the Author_:
Olaf Danielson was born and raised in the small northwestern Wisconsin town of Falun, a town named for Falun, Sweden, where all of the first settlers originated. Olaf grew up amid the stories and folklore of Sweden, and some of that folklore can be found in his Defenders of the Earth Series. His interests in world history, bird watching, and travel have guided him on a somewhat nomadic lifestyle that greatly enhance his stories. Olaf attended Ripon College, where he graduated summa cum laude, and received his doctorate at the University of Minnesota. Licensed to practice medicine in five states, Olaf now runs a successful emergency room staffing business. He currently lives in the northeastern South Dakota town of Milbank with his very tolerant wife, three children, and a house full of pets. -
Sale!Do Well or Die is the memoir of a kid from Chicago who enlisted in the U.S. Army, trained in the harsh conditions of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, and fought some of Hilter’s best soldiers. Marty Daneman was a member of the 10th Mountain Division––the only American division before, during, or after World War II that was specially trained for mountain and winter warfare and then waited to be inserted into World War II at exactly the right time and place. This turned out to be the German-held northern Apennine Mountains of Italy during the last few months of the year. Once the 10th was deployed to the combat zone, it never lost a battle or gave up an inch of ground.
Sale!Long before the 9/11 Muslim extremist attacks on America, the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) earned a frightening nationwide reputation as “homeland” terrorists. They kidnapped publishing heiress Patty Hearst, robbed numerous banks, and bombed police cars. In Los Angeles, several members met a fiery end after a horrific gun battle with police. The surviving members fled and began new lives with new identities. SoLiAh is the tale of a terrorist--one SLA survivor, Kathleen Soliah, who hid in plain sight for over twenty years as Sara Jane Olson, a popular gourmet cook and devoted soccer mom with a loving husband and three talented daughters, until discovered in America’s Heartland and brought to justice.
Dancing Through Darkness
The unforgettable story of Saartje and Chaim, two inmates at the Sobibor Death Camp and members of the greatest escape from any Nazi camp. Based on the diary and memories of Saartje, readers are taken from her early life in Holland to the horrors of Sobibor and, finally, to life in America. Dancing Through Darkness will be available at the end of May, 2016. You may pre-order NOW! -
Sale!Brule River Country ripples with rich and exciting history. From fur traders’ journals and ancient maps to stories of the early settlers and the strife caused by the fervor of a Communist Movement, Brule River Country sweeps through four centuries of unforgettable legend.