Sale!“I was only seventeen years old when the knock on our door came late one night. The French police barged in, arresting me and my father as members of the French Resistance. After months of incarceration in French prisons, two thousand inmates were jammed into twenty rail cars. Our destination was Buchenwald, the most horrific camp in Nazi Germany, where we were viewed by our SS keepers as expendable sub-humans and forced to work as slave laborers. I was beaten and starved. I witnessed brutal tortures and senseless murders. But I survived.” The unforgettable memoirs of Louis Gros is the second volume of The Buchenwald Trilogy.
Sale!How could a sophisticated, civilized nation like Germany sink into an abyss of degradation that had no bottom? How could the SS rulers of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp torture, starve, and murder defenseless prisoners? And how could Nazi doctors use the camp as their personal, ghoulish laboratory?
Sale!Do Well or Die is the memoir of a kid from Chicago who enlisted in the U.S. Army, trained in the harsh conditions of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, and fought some of Hilter’s best soldiers. Marty Daneman was a member of the 10th Mountain Division––the only American division before, during, or after World War II that was specially trained for mountain and winter warfare and then waited to be inserted into World War II at exactly the right time and place. This turned out to be the German-held northern Apennine Mountains of Italy during the last few months of the year. Once the 10th was deployed to the combat zone, it never lost a battle or gave up an inch of ground.
Sale!The unforgettable story of a young boy who is whisked from his comfortable home to the wilds of northern Wisconsin and spends a summer learning what is truly important in life.
Sale!Dressed only in a nightshirt and unarmed, Sheriff Thomas Logan lay bleeding outside the Jewel, a house of ill-fame. His death in 1906 sent shock waves across Nevada, forcing Hannah and their eight children to face an unfathomable future.
Sale!A teenage boy leaves Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s, following his Jewish father to America, and returns to his homeland as a U.S. soldier. Bernard Kahn was born in Munich, Germany, to a Jewish father and Christian mother. Persecuted by the “pure Aryans” and his schoolmates, Bernard escaped the Nazi regime and joined his father in America. While in college, he joined the U.S. Army and returned to Europe – and ultimately Munich – surviving two years of intense combat in Italy, France, and Germany as a member of the famed 45th Division, the Thunderbirds, and being among the first liberators of Dachau Concentration Camp.
The Life and Times of Aviation Pioneer Marlon Dewitt Green
As incredible as it may seem today, until the mid-1960s major U.S. airlines refused to hire African-American pilots. It took Marlon DeWitt Green to challenge -and ultimately change- the entrenched system of segregation in the airline industry. -
Sale!Capt. Jepp and the Little Black Book is the amazing rags-to-riches story of the son of Danish immigrants who did more to make flying safer than anyone else on the planet. But it is also the thrilling tale of barnstormers, wing walkers, the earliest days of the giant airline companies, and the charismatic man who lived it all.
Sale!In one of the most defining moments in our nation’s history, President Richard Nixon ascended the steps of Army One, turned, and waved to the crowd on the White House lawn for one last time. Piloting Army One that day was Lt. Col Boyer, a senior pilot during the LBJ, Nixon, and Ford administrations.