Taconite Creek
The unforgettable story of a young boy who is whisked from his comfortable home to the wilds of northern Wisconsin and spends a summer learning what is truly important in life.
Writing Wild: The Tales and Trials of a Wisconsin Outdoor Journalist
Take a deep breath, hitch up your pack, and follow me into some of the wildest country imaginable. Grab a forgotten pencil and a musty journal to guide yourself through the childhood trout streams and remembered glades of Barron County. Ride a canoe over roaring rapids and paint a colored portrait in northwestern Wisconsin’s Brule Country wilderness, where legends and lore conspire together and capture one’s soul. Jump into my adventure car for a gambled tour down the Road of Dreams. And listen closely as I whisper the secrets to be found along the suburban trails branching from my own back yard. If you don’t mind getting a bit muddy from the tales and trails of a Wisconsin outdoor journalist, follow me….
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