Evelyn Gathman Haines grew up during the Great Depression in the small town of Appam in northwest North Dakota. From an early age, she filled notebooks with rhyming verse. While attending college at North Dakota State University, she discovered writers like T.S. Elliot and felt as if the top of her head had been blown off.
After raising her children, teaching, working for a local newspaper and in the social work field, Evelyn moved to Portland, Oregon. There, she rekindled her love of writing, and Thistle Wind, her first book, was published in 2000.
Evelyn and her husband, Henry, now live in a retirement community that bustles with activity in Portland.
Evelyn’s second book, A Woman for All Time, is the beautiful, poetic story of Sarah, one of the greatest women in history. Of Sarah, Evelyn writes, “…I feel the pulse of centuries, all the ages of both change and sameness… I think of all those centuries that have rolled between us, and I feel that, though I do not carry Sarah’s genes, I carry her spirit.”
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