Storm ashore with the Allied forces as they smash through Hitler’s seemingly impenetrable Atlantic Wall. Descend from the clouds with sky troopers who overcame their fear of death to liberate a continent. Be with the decision-makers as they plan Operation Overlord, the invasion that changed the course of history and saved civilization.
Sale!They followed a dream, a dream of a better life promised to them by agents of North America’s booming industry owners. It was a dream that led many of them into the Upper Midwest’s deep, dangerous mines and into fierce labor strikes and ruinous blacklistings. Years later and deeply disillusioned, they were promised a Workers’ Paradise by communist recruiters who sent them across the Atlantic Ocean to Russia’s Karelia, where their fate was sealed by Joseph Stalin. The Communist Chasm chronicles how thousands of Communist Finns were lured to their deaths. Once read, the story will never be forgotten.
Soldier, scientist, artist, author, and the Johnny Appleseed of American soccer: His was truly a “life in full.” German-born Gottfried K. “Joe” Guennel moved to the U.S. as a young teen. During World War II, he became one of the U.S. Army’s famed “Ritchie Boys” – a highly trained interrogator of German prisoners of war and war criminals. His artistic talent and interest in palynology led him to write and illustrate two well-regarded books. And woven throughout his life was his passion for soccer, which led him from the playgrounds in Germany to the U.S. Soccer Hall of Fame.
Memoirs of a World War II TroopCarrier Crew Chief and Life-long Pilot
Elmer Wisherd’s aviation career begins as a troop carrier crew chief in World War II and ends as the manager of a rural Wisconsin airport. The camaraderie of soldiers during a war, the determination needed to build a successful airport, and the forced landings, crash landings, miracle landings, and planes exploding in flaming infernos are among the many stories of his fascinating career. -
Sale!Soldiers on Skis is a pictorial tribute to the 10th Mountain Division. Written by acclaimed military historian Flint Whitlock, their incredible story swoops into history with dozens of stunning photos.
Dancing Through Darkness
The unforgettable story of Saartje and Chaim, two inmates at the Sobibor Death Camp and members of the greatest escape from any Nazi camp. Based on the diary and memories of Saartje, readers are taken from her early life in Holland to the horrors of Sobibor and, finally, to life in America. Dancing Through Darkness will be available at the end of May, 2016. You may pre-order NOW! -
Sale!This book tells the complete, never before told story of Beech Aircraft's recognition of the need for a true light twin engine airplane in the mid 1950s - a need to fill the large market gap between the ever popular single engine Bonanza and the much larger (and more expensive) Model 50 Twin Bonanza.
Sale!They Called Me Mr. Bonanza is in some respects a continuation of Those Incomparable Bonanzas. There is a section of the book devoted to all the Bonanza models from 1972 through 1990, but another focus of the book is about life at Beech Aircraft Corporation from experience as a Bonanza customer service representative all the way to Program Manager for both the Bonanza and Baron. In this book you will also learn how the Model 36 Bonanza came about... what caused the Aerobatic Bonanza to be developed... more on the V-Tail... how the vertical instrument program came to be... the name change from Debonair to Bonanza... what happened to the Beechcraft 38P Lightning... why the G33 Bonanza... and much more. There is also a section on Bonanza and Travel Air design concepts studied from 1946 through 1968 by Engineering's preliminary design group.
Sale!This is the complete book about the airplane that became the standard of the industry... the Beechcraft Bonanza! How it all started in 1944... the original design team and their early efforts to find the ideal airplane for the postwar market... how and why the V-tail was chosen... aerodynamics of the V-tail and early testing... Bonanza power plants, both production and experimental such as the over-under arrangement of two 4 cylinder Franklins... Walter Beech and the Bonanza... a rare photo of the first flight (with a Lycoming engine and a laminar flow wing)... the Bonanza wind tunnel testing... Bell Aircraft and the V-tail... the Beechcraft Grizzly... flight test of the radio controlled drone Bonanza... the V-tail AT-10... the Beechcraft Twin Quad, the largest V-tail aircraft ever built... Staggerwing influence... structural testing... the 35R... the Bevo Howard and the A35 he flew aerobatics in at Cleveland in 1948... the Air Force and Navy Mentor Trainers developed from the Bonanza design... the Bonanza long distance flights... the birth of the Debonair... why the "straight" tail... the Bonanza 36... little known military Bonanzas... Bonanza modifications... the American Bonanza Society and the first meeting in Wichita... complete specifications of all the Bonanza models (including the 33s and 36s)... the significant changes from model to model and even the changes that occurred during the production run of each model... experimental Bonanzas such as the O35 that never saw production, and much, much, more... literally everything from the beginning of the idea all the way up to 1972 production.
Sale!In the 1800s, great changes came to the Lake Superior region. Water roads had transported fur traders for centuries and Native Americans for millennia. Ceded through treaties, the pristine lands of the Ojibwe surrendered to the logger’s saw and the miner’s pick. Railroads brought eager immigrants who followed their dreams in search of a better life. Echoes From the Past is the story of a region’s transformation from rugged wilderness to one of settlers and settlements.