Dancing Through Darkness
The unforgettable story of Saartje and Chaim, two inmates at the Sobibor Death Camp and members of the greatest escape from any Nazi camp. Based on the diary and memories of Saartje, readers are taken from her early life in Holland to the horrors of Sobibor and, finally, to life in America. Dancing Through Darkness will be available at the end of May, 2016. You may pre-order NOW! -
Sale!They Called Me Mr. Bonanza is in some respects a continuation of Those Incomparable Bonanzas. There is a section of the book devoted to all the Bonanza models from 1972 through 1990, but another focus of the book is about life at Beech Aircraft Corporation from experience as a Bonanza customer service representative all the way to Program Manager for both the Bonanza and Baron. In this book you will also learn how the Model 36 Bonanza came about... what caused the Aerobatic Bonanza to be developed... more on the V-Tail... how the vertical instrument program came to be... the name change from Debonair to Bonanza... what happened to the Beechcraft 38P Lightning... why the G33 Bonanza... and much more. There is also a section on Bonanza and Travel Air design concepts studied from 1946 through 1968 by Engineering's preliminary design group.
Sale!This remarkable story began in 1967 with a broken car radio and a father-and-son’s cross-country trek. The two had been making uncomfortable small talk until the son asked, “Dad, will you tell me what you did in the war?” The father’s answer is the amazing first-hand account of the USS Fuller, The Lady Gangster, an attack transport ship and its courageous crew of “Chicago Boys” who transformed from wide-eyed new recruits to weathered “Old Salts” braving enemy attacks while delivering troops and supplies during many of the toughest battles waged in the South Pacific during World War II. It is also the poignant tale of how a simple question forged a lasting bond between a father and his son.
Sale!On a beautiful summer morning in 1977, shock waves ripped through the Glensheen mansion with the discovery of the bodies of heiress Elisabeth Congdon and her night nurse, Velma Pietila. Glensheen’s Daughter is the fascinating story of the events leading up to the murders and the nightmarish aftermath. It is also the story of a beloved adopted daughter who let nothing, not even a double homicide, stand in the way of her desires.
Sale!Long before the 9/11 Muslim extremist attacks on America, the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) earned a frightening nationwide reputation as “homeland” terrorists. They kidnapped publishing heiress Patty Hearst, robbed numerous banks, and bombed police cars. In Los Angeles, several members met a fiery end after a horrific gun battle with police. The surviving members fled and began new lives with new identities. SoLiAh is the tale of a terrorist--one SLA survivor, Kathleen Soliah, who hid in plain sight for over twenty years as Sara Jane Olson, a popular gourmet cook and devoted soccer mom with a loving husband and three talented daughters, until discovered in America’s Heartland and brought to justice.
Sale!HOLLYWOOD THROUGH MY EYES is an intimate portrait of the Golden Age of radio, film, nightclubs, and television as seen by one who was there— popular recording star Monica Lewis. Packed with witty anecdotes, celebrity adventures, and dozens of never-before-seen-photos of the rich and famous, this chronicle of a young girl’s rise from Depression-era Chicago—through the proving ground of live broadcast (including the very first Ed Sullivan Show), the glamour and grit of New York’s Stork Club and Copacabana, and finally to the privileged, politically charged environs of Beverly Hills as the wife of MCA/Universal executive and producer Jennings Lang—is a rare insider’s look at show business history. (This book is available in two different Hardcover editions. Read on to learn the differences.)Looking for the perfect gift? Choose the Limited Premier Edition! Scroll down for description.
Sale!Med School is a fascinating collection of stories about medical training from over a half century ago, when would-be doctors learned the fundamental lessons of caring for and listening to their patients. One who survived—and thrived—the brutal four-year transformation from an eager, inquisitive student to a young doctor, ready to cure the ills of mankind, relates the stories with compassion, frank honesty, and—best of all—a wonderful sense of humor.
Sale!The Beasts of Buchenwald is the story of extreme lifestyles between those favored by Nazi Germany's Third Reich and the men, women, and children whom Hitler classified as undesirables. It is the story of two members of the Nazi party -- the husband and wife rulers of Buchenwald concentration camp -- who ordered the slaughter of untold numbers of helpless inmates while living a royal lifestyle within the barbed confines of hell before they, too, had to pay for their crimes.
Sale!“I was only seventeen years old when the knock on our door came late one night. The French police barged in, arresting me and my father as members of the French Resistance. After months of incarceration in French prisons, two thousand inmates were jammed into twenty rail cars. Our destination was Buchenwald, the most horrific camp in Nazi Germany, where we were viewed by our SS keepers as expendable sub-humans and forced to work as slave laborers. I was beaten and starved. I witnessed brutal tortures and senseless murders. But I survived.” The unforgettable memoirs of Louis Gros is the second volume of The Buchenwald Trilogy.
Sale!Do Well or Die is the memoir of a kid from Chicago who enlisted in the U.S. Army, trained in the harsh conditions of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, and fought some of Hilter’s best soldiers. Marty Daneman was a member of the 10th Mountain Division––the only American division before, during, or after World War II that was specially trained for mountain and winter warfare and then waited to be inserted into World War II at exactly the right time and place. This turned out to be the German-held northern Apennine Mountains of Italy during the last few months of the year. Once the 10th was deployed to the combat zone, it never lost a battle or gave up an inch of ground.
Sale!Dressed only in a nightshirt and unarmed, Sheriff Thomas Logan lay bleeding outside the Jewel, a house of ill-fame. His death in 1906 sent shock waves across Nevada, forcing Hannah and their eight children to face an unfathomable future.