LTC Gene T. Boyer


geneLTC Gene T. Boyer (Ret.) was born in Akron Ohio, in 1929. Following graduation from Ohio University, he began a distinguished 22-year career in the U.S. Army and earned three Legion of Merit Awards for service to Presidents Johnson, Nixon and Ford as a White House pilot between 1964 and 1975. Currently residing in Huntington Beach, CA, Boyer led the restoration of the Last Flight Helicopter now on display at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library. The father of two and the grandfather of two, Boyer stays active walking his dog Amber, advocating for Veteran benefits and doing presentations on the history of Army One.

LTC Gene T. Boyer2015-09-05T10:56:46+00:00

Gary Nei


garyGary Nei is chairman of several publishing companies. He is an aspiring screenwriter and an avid walleye fisherman who resides in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Gary Nei2015-09-05T10:54:35+00:00

Flint Whitlock


FlintFlint graduated cum laude from the University of Illinois in 1964 and followed in his father’s footsteps by joining the U. S. Army. While sailing on the last troop carrier transporting military personnel across the Atlantic by sea rather than air, Flint spent the ten-day voyage reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich—a book that greatly influenced his life as a military historian many years later.
Flint served as an officer in Germany for two years before being reassigned to what he calls the “tropical paradise”–Vietnam. After one year in Vietnam, Flint’s final military assignment was at Fort Carson in Colorado. Flint liked the area and planted his roots […]

Flint Whitlock2015-09-05T10:51:33+00:00

Evelyn Gathman Haines


EvelynHainesEvelyn Gathman Haines grew up during the Great Depression in the small town of Appam in northwest North Dakota. From an early age, she filled notebooks with rhyming verse. While attending college at North Dakota State University, she discovered writers like T.S. Elliot and felt as if the top of her head had been blown off.
After raising her children, teaching, working for a local newspaper and in the social work field, Evelyn moved to Portland, Oregon. There, she rekindled her love of writing, and Thistle Wind, her first book, was published in 2000.
Evelyn and her husband, Henry, now live in a retirement community that bustles with activity in Portland.
Evelyn’s second […]

Evelyn Gathman Haines2015-09-05T10:48:42+00:00

Del Staecker


Del-21At the height of a successful career in fund raising, Del Staecker resolutely left the not-for-profit world to run an Idaho white water rafting company and write the stories crammed in his head. In a two-room cabin with no phone, no television, and radio reception only a few hours a day, Staecker penned his first novel, The Muted Mermaid, by hand. The day he finished his first book he began the sequel, Shaved Ice.
In 2008 the two suspense novels were published in quick succession by Cable Publishing (Brule, WI), and were critically acclaimed. The Midwest Book Review (MBR) gave both books its highest rating. MBR calls […]

Del Staecker2015-09-05T10:45:23+00:00

Dave Schmidt


schmidtBorn and raised in rural Wisconsin, David Schmidt has always
has an aptitude for artistic endeavors. Upon graduating with
honors from high school, Schmidt moved to Colorado and
joined the National Guard as a means to pursue an art degree.
After returning home from a deployment with his unit for
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1991, Schmidt
worked for a Denver-based children’s book fair company. It
was in those elementary schools and working with the kids,
teachers and parents that he found himself drawn to creating
his own children’s books.
Meanwhile, Schmidt moved into a position for the Colorado
National Guard as an illustrator, then military journalist and,
finally, as historian. These occupations honed his skills and
guided him further down his path […]

Dave Schmidt2015-09-05T10:29:33+00:00

Daniel J Meador


DanMeadorDaniel John Meador, James Monroe Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Virginia, was born in Selma, Alabama, in 1926. He attended The Citadel, was graduated from Auburn University and the University Law School, and received the degree of Master of Laws from Harvard University.
He served in Korea during the Korean War and was then a law clerk to Justice Hugo Black on the U.S. Supreme Court. After practicing law in Birmingham, Alabama, Meador joined the law faculty in 1957 at the University of Virginia, where he spent most of his career.
In 1965-66, he was a Fulbright Lecturer in England and from 1966 to 1970 was dean of the […]

Daniel J Meador2015-09-05T10:27:14+00:00

Clifton Meador


meadorClifton K. Meador was born in Alabama in 1931 and attended Vanderbilt School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. After graduating with top honors, he moved to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York for his internship and first year of residency. Two years in the Army medical corps followed before his residency and a fellowship in endocrinology were completed at Vanderbilt.
Meador’s varied medical career includes practicing with the physician who delivered him into this world, directing the N.I.H. Clinical Research Center in Alabama, serving as dean at the School of Medicine at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, returning to Vanderbilt to create the teaching service at Saint Thomas Hospital, and […]

Clifton Meador2015-09-05T10:24:53+00:00

Sharon Darby Hendry


sharonSharon Darby Hendry’s first manuscript, An Element of Truth, is a true story about a woman con artist. It was translated into a made-for-TV movie, starred Donna Mills, and first aired on CBS in 1995. Glensheen’s Daughter, The Marjorie Congdon Story, is a regional bestseller and is in its ninth printing. Hendry is working on a screenplay based on her latest book, SoLiAh, The Sara Jane Olson Story. All three stories feature fascinating women who chose to live outside the boundaries of the law.
Hendry and her husband divide their time between Minnesota’s Twin Cities and northern Wisconsin.

Sharon Darby Hendry2015-09-05T10:18:31+00:00
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